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optical illusion as it simply moved straight away from Professor Johannis at a tremendous speed?Disguise, misdirection and disinformation are all ways of obeying the Prime Directive.Creighton's case #64 is a sighting by some Argentine children of short, greenish humanoids. Amongthe different kinds of humanoid, we can definitely include short greenish humanoids, "little greenmen," if you like. The following case shows us another unusual variation, that of humanoids with bright red skin, and just one eye. On the UFO forums, I have read of a blue species, but cannotconfirm it.Gordon Creighton's case #30 describes the encounter by 3 boys in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, with ahumanoid described in the following way: "Upon his extremely round and totally bald head theman wore a large round transparent helmet surmounted by a circular object. He appeared to have noears or nose, his mouth appeared to open in a strange manner, his complexion was a vivid red, andhe had only one large brown eye, devoid of any eyebrow." Binocular vision does not seem to be arequirement for humanoids. Gordon Creighton lists 5 species with just one eye.If this seems impossible to believe, Frank Edwards tells us in STRANGE PEOPLE (1961) that in a backwoods community in Mississippi, there is an African American who also has one solitarynormal-sized eye in the middle of his forehead. This is apparently a natural variation in theevolution of humanoids. In THE HUMANOIDS, there are some species with 3 eyes, and onespecies with many eyes. Generally, though, a humanoid is bipedal, bilateral, binaural and binocular,with eyes above nose above mouth, 2 arms with fingers, and 2 legs. There can be minor exceptionsto some of these features. One thing that is universal is the body arrangement of head, trunk, armsand legs. None of them resemble Steven Spielberg's ET.In case #28 in Gordon Creighton's list, a citizen encounters "a very tall creature with a melon-shaped head, very long and almost white hair, and three eyes which stared fixedly, without blinking." In Creighton's case #56, from a "Lima newspaper La Prensa of August 31, 1965, two people had recently been driving along the Pan-American Highway when, at a place some 20kilometers from Arequipa, they saw 'a strange being, a Martian,' who 'resembled a shrub, was only80 centimeters high, and had only one eye.' The creature was of a blackish color. In addition to itssingle golden-colored eye in the head, it also had other small eyes located up and down the body."The humanoid body plan can accommodate many variations.Alien humanoids come in many different colors. I know of landed occupant cases involvinghumanoids with the following colors: white, gray, yellow, brown, black, green and red. There may be blue humanoids, but I cannot confirm that. Some have fur; others are hairless, with everything in between. There are many variations in fingers and eyes. There are wide variations in size.Space-traveling humanoids can be quite tiny. This is Creighton's #55, from Cuzco, Peru: "Shortly before noon on August 20, 1965, numerous people, including an engineer, Senor Alberto Ugarte,and his wife, and a Senor Elwin Voter, saw a tiny disc land on a terrace of the ancient Inca Stonefortress of Sacsahuaman, just outside Cuzco. The disc was about 1.5 meters wide, of a vivid silverycolor, and from it there emerged two small beings of strange shape and dazzling brightness.Discovering that there were so many people about, the little creatures at once went back into thedisc that took off rapidly and vanished westwards." (Bowen, pp. 119-120). This is a diameter of 2
about 5 feet, and a height of 1 foot, if it follows the usual dimensions of flying disks. Even if weallow a height somewhat greater, these little creatures could not be taller than 12 inches.Abductions and seductions seem to have begun in 1957, with the A.V. B. case, not published until1965 in the FSR. A species of humanoid that might pass for human seduced Mr. A.V.B. She hadwhite skin and freckles, almost white hair, red pubic hair and red hair under the armpits. Mr. A.V.B.had no difficulty getting an erection, and they made love inside the alien spacecraft. The aliens inthe Barney Hill case may have been the same species, since they reminded him of a redheadedIrishman. In both cases, the eyes were slanted, but not like the Chinese. In the A.V.B. case, thewoman indicated by gestures to AVB that their sexual union would result in a baby that she wouldraise on her home world. She could bear a child in the normal way only if she and her companionswere a variant of our own species, in other words, a branch of Homo Sapiens that somehow becamespace travelers in the past 50,000 years. I do not rule that out. We know practically nothing aboutour history as a species, except for the past 5000 years or so.Another possibility is expert gene manipulation. A third possibility is that she would raise a cloneof AVB in a distant star system. A. V. B. could remember all this consciously. The aliens had noterased his memory, since it was in no way frightening or traumatic. AVB's story is not the productof hypnosis. Hypnosis sometimes produces just what one expects or fears.Most abduction cases have no scientific value, because one cannot rule out false memory.Remember, scientific method is a matter of ruling out the alternatives.How do UFOs navigate? One of our humanoid visitors (I don't like to call them aliens) told BillyMeier, a Swiss farmer, that they came from the Pleiades (Randolph Winters, 1994, THEPLEIADIAN MISSION). This is surely disinformation, all part of their unwillingness to have anyeffect on our civilization, since a young star nursery dominated by huge blue white stars would be ahell of violent x-rays and UV and quite inhospitable to life. Still, it could be a clue, for those smart enough to understand it. The Pleiades (Seven Sisters) are425 light-years from Earth, yet are easily visible with the naked eye, riding the ecliptic across our winter skies, in front of Orion. They are a gravitationally bound system that would look much thesame from any distance. If they can be seen across 425 light-years with the naked eye, they cansurely be seen many thousands of light-years with even small telescopes. I suspect that visitors toour corner of the galaxy first find the Pleiades, jump there, and use the orientation of the seven brightest stars to define a three-dimensional coordinate system. Orient yourself correctly, look upthe tables for the distance to jump to the Solar System...and then jump, i.e., teleport.A few human beings can teleport objects instantaneously into or out of sealed containers. Psiresearchers often call it an apport, from the Latin Apportare, meaning to "take to a place." UriGeller once accidentally apported himself 30 miles, from Manhattan to Osinning. (URI GELLER:MY STORY, 1975, p. 238). He suddenly became aware that he was going to be late for a dinner  party, so he began to run, and the next thing he knew, he was crashing into the back porch of thehouse of Andrija Puharich, a well-known Psi researcher of the time. That is where the dinner partywas to be. It was Friday, November 9, 1973.3
Small objects often levitated or apported in Uri's presence, spontaneously, without any intent on his part. This suggests to me that levitation and apports are closely related. There are excellentcontrolled studies of apports by the Chinese (see the chapter "The Chinese Studies"). While wedon't fully understand them, apports appear to take a shortcut through a fifth spatial dimension.That could work if the geometry of the physical universe is as described by Stephen Hawking inThe Universe in a Nutshell. Teleportation may be the first experimental evidence for String Theory,since it requires 6 additional spatial dimensions.We can thereby connect UFOs, Psi and physics. Star travel requires the ability to jump hundreds of light-years instantaneously. The only thing we know which resembles this is teleportation. Physics provides no such capability, except in the tiny world of quantum mechanics. Levitation and apportscould entirely explain the UFO modes of travel. Levitation is silent and effortless. The UFOhumanoids levitate their huge space ships silently and effortlessly, whether low and slow, or racingout of the atmosphere at thousands of miles per hour. Jumping light years requires teleportation.There is no other known alternative.Could "jumping light years" be some technology with a superficial resemblance to apports?Maybe...but even the details are the same. For instance, Hans Bender investigated a poltergeist casein which objects were apported out of a closed chest inside the house, and they would appear outside the house under the eaves. No matter how heavy, they would flutter to the ground in theclassic "falling-leaf" pattern frequently seen with UFOs (Vaughan, A. (1970). See PoltergeistInvestigations in Germany. Psychic, April. When I read this, many years ago, I realized this is thesecret to UFO propulsion and interstellar travel. Hans Bender was a noted German parapsychologist who died in 1991. Look him up on the Web.There are several falling-leaf patterns in Bowen: "Mr. E. A. Bryant was out walking in the countryon April 14, [1965, Scoriton, England] and had reached Scoriton Down, a spot with beautifulviews, at about 5.30 P.M. Without warning he was confronted by a large aerial object which moved pendulum-wise to the left and then to the right before coming to rest, hovering some three feet fromthe ground, about forty yards in front of him. The object had appeared 'out of thin air' and Mr.Bryant says he was frightened." (Bowen, p. 21).Jacques Vallee's case 24, September 28, 1954. In Froncles, three witnesses observed a large brightobject that oscillated, then landed and changed color." (Bowen, p. 33). In the next case, the falling-leaf pattern preceded the apport. "The Two little men went aboard,inviting Villanueva to follow, but he turned and ran to a distance, and then watched the craft riseslowly, in a kind of pendulum movement, 'Or like a falling leaf in reverse,' until at a few hundredfeet, when it began to glow intensely, and then shot up vertically at staggering speed, with a faintswishing sound, and was at once out of sight." (Bowen, p. 91, Gordon Creighton's case #4 atCiudad Valley, Mexico in mid-august of 1953).Following is Creighton's case 6, Pontal, Brazil: "On November 4, 1954, Jose Alves of Pontal wasfishing in the river Pardo near that place. It was a quiet night; the spot was deserted. Suddenly, hesaw a strange craft approaching with a wobbling motion, and it landed so near to him that he couldhave touched it." (Bowen, p. 92).4
There is another aspect of the UFO phenomenon that suggests Psi powers rather than technology.Frequently the occupants individually levitate or apport, and this is how they manage to get insidethe spacecraft very quickly from the ground it. The Ufologists have noted this problem of ultra-fastingress or egress.Here is a case of an individual alien levitating. It is Creighton's case #41 from Argentina in 1963.The 3-man crew of a freight train saw a figure on the tracks, apparently carrying the body of asmall child. "Suddenly, when the locomotive was not more than 5 meters from the entity, he "shotupwards as though in a whirlwind' and vanished." (Bowen, p. 105). "Vanished," means an apport.According to THE PLEIADIAN MISSION, there are humanoid aliens who don’t even needspaceships.Our humanoid visitors come in a great variety of colors and sizes. Their behavior is sometimessurprising or even funny. They don't look as we expect, and they don't behave as we expect. Somespecies speak fairly good Spanish or Portuguese. [Most of the good cases come from SouthAmerica.] Many species communicate by telepathy, but there are many more that attempt tocommunicate in their normal verbal speech. Their speech is variously described (depending on thespecies) as grumbling or barking or cackling or just unintelligible. One would think they wouldknow that we couldn’t speak their language, but there are many cases where they make the attempt.There is also the comical vaudeville act in Creighton's last case, #65. "Their complexions were brown, and their faces 'shriveled' and furrowed like those of old people. The hair was white, their heads rather large in proportion to their bodies...One of the little men [80 centimeters tall] had asparse beard and wore a dark peaked cap....The man with the flashing lights, who was the nearer,now jumped to his feet also and grabbed this cylinder by a handle in the middle of it, and beganrunning off, staggering as he did so, and he collided with his companion so that both nearly fell tothe ground." (Bowen pp. 124-125). We can see how visits by this species of humanoid could giverise to stories of leprechauns and other small magical folk.We tend to think of UFO aliens as peaceful and hairless. There are many cases in Bowen of  bellicose hairy dwarfs that attack human citizens and leave claw marks. They do no real harm. Theydon't allow humans to use weapons, and will paralyze anyone who tries it. However, they are notaverse to a good knock-down-drag-out-no-holds-barred wrestling match, if that is the right term for it. Maybe that is a sport in their home world.The more I study landed occupant aliens, the less alien they seem. They are like us, not gods, notsupermen. What they have done, we can do as well. The authors in Bowen give sources for each case. Usually these are newspaper reports, butsometimes they are UFO journals, including the FSR.The landed occupant cases have both veridicality and reproducibility. These cases are not "swampgas," Venus, experimental military aircraft, hoaxes or Jungian archetypal visions. They are realflesh and blood, as sexual or belligerent contacts with them demonstrate. The best proof of reproducibility of landed occupant observations is that all of our visitors turn out to be humanoid.5
This is unexpected. Both scientists and science-fiction writers have given their imaginary aliens awide variety of forms. The observers in these cases were just ordinary citizens. They never became famous. No one ever made TV movies about them. The reports themselves stayed local, in the local newspapers, not onthe wire services or BBC. These cases come from many parts of the world, always rural andisolated places, and range in date from 1947 to 1969, over 20 years. If it were some kind of hoax,how could these ordinary citizens have coordinated their stories so well? With the fascinatingvariety of eyes, fingers, and skin color?Case closed. We now have enough data to ask the following questions:(1) Our visitors do not make official contact. Why not? This was a great puzzle to the earlyUfologists, yet there is an easy explanation. They are anthropologists, with a little bit of the other sciences thrown in. Landed UFOs usually make off with soil samples and bits of vegetation. Human anthropologists never want to interfere in the primitive cultures they are studying, becausethey know that contact between primitive and advanced cultures is often fatal to the primitiveculture. Compared to our visiting humanoids, we are the primitives, and therefore official contactcould be fatal for us. All our alien visitors take care to avoid interfering with our evolution. They do this in variousways. (a) UFOs only land in rural and uninhabited places. (b) Some UFOs disguise themselves assomething else, an asteroid for instance (see the "Autobiography" chapter.) (c) Or if they look likespacecraft, they may give us a sound and light show, making electrical systems nearby quit anddoing other amusing tricks. This is to convince us that they travel by technology. That is what the“average man” assumes anyway. As long as we believe that, we will never be able to duplicatetheir feats.If you study Bowen, you will find no consistent correlation between the sound and light show andthe action of the UFO. Some glow when accelerating. Some glow after they have landed. And soforth. (d) When our humanoid visitors make contact with a human, Billy Meier, for instance, theyalways feed that human disinformation, ideas that fit into popular mythologies, yet are easilyrefuted by scientists (Winters, 1994).(2) Our visitors are all humanoids, with wide variations in size, color, hairiness, and the details of the face, fingers and eyes. In height, they vary from 12 inches to an estimated 20 feet, and some areas hairy as a Wookie, the furry creature from Star Wars. Are these the only star-traveling species?(3) They jump hundreds or thousands of light-years in an instant. Planetary systems with intelligentand civilized humanoids are quite rare, quite far apart, and we must plan on trips of thousands of light-years. Why did they suddenly appear in large numbers after 1947?6
My chief reason for thinking star travel takes place by jumping light years rather than FTL (Faster Than Light) travel is the sudden appearance in 1947 of sizable numbers of UFOs, of severaldifferent types, and several different species. I suspect that the “foo fighters” of WW 2 went home,spread the word up and down the star traveling grapevine that humans had gone nuclear and hadactually used these fearsome weapons. Perhaps we would self-destruct. Some species began to plan expeditions. For several different species to begin arriving a year and 8 months later meansthey must be able to jump across hundreds of light years in an instant, especially when we see thatsuitable star-planet combinations for intelligent life are quite rare, and probably separated bythousands of light years. Some of our early visitors in 1947 seem to be first timers, who did notexpect violent thunderstorms or powerful radar or anti-aircraft fire (3 theories for the Roswellcrashes).(4) UFOs travel by levitation and teleportation. This is only a hypothesis of course, but we knownothing from human experience that resembles UFO behavior other than levitation andteleportation. Such phenomena in human life are rare, and often not under the control of the persondoing it. Still, there are those Chinese girls who can consciously control apports over shortdistances in controlled tests. There have been a few famous humans who could control levitation,including the levitation of their own bodies, particularly D. D. Home, in the 19th Century. If youdo a Google search, you will find many web sites devoted to D. D. Home. Since the phenomenondoes exist in humans, on a small scale, these must be innate powers of the human mind that onlyneed understanding and developing.(5) Fermi’s Paradox, widely known in the scientific community, provides one clue to suchdevelopment. If we found a planet like Earth, we would colonize it. That has not happened.Despite the disinformation given to some contactees, there is no evidence of any alien involvementin the evolution of life on Earth. Let's think about this. Why not? The universe is three times as old as our Solar System, so surelythere were star traveling humanoids 1500 million years ago (1.5 billion years). If star travel bytechnology were possible, we would expect both good and evil aliens. That is what we find inscience fiction. That is not what we find in reality. Evil aliens would have colonized Earth longago. Our humanoid visitors are all anthropologists, a trade more spiritually evolved than missionaries,traders, diplomats, or conquistadors. Only spiritually evolved species are capable of star jumping.Undoubtedly, UFOs have visited Earth over the last 1.5 billion years, but they had no wish to alter the natural evolution of the planet. I am sure they had no need, having learned to control populationgrowth, preserving the ecology of their home world. Greed is a primitive habit, as is conquest.Self-control is a more advanced trait. In summary, UFOs have to travel by jumping light-years. There is no other way they could haveappeared so suddenly in large numbers less than two years after the end of World War Two.7
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Caracteres: 400

Interesting overview of early sightings. To us they may be anthropologists; they consider themselves as primatologists or zoologists, probably.

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